
You’ve reached the website for The Flying Dutchmen twins, Hans and Jan VanNoord. Here are their stories and photos sharing.

Born in The Netherlands, raised in Canada, and residents of Los Angeles and Oakland, CA. Their versatile career there consisted of 14 years barnstorming across America and Alaska in their futuristic looking aircraft, the Long EZ. They’ve been models, wild animal trainers, piano tuners, carpenters, actors, hair dressers, Porsche mechanics, and builders of the Alaska pipeline, clean-up of the Exxon Valdez Oil spill in Kodiak Island and construction of the Olympic Village in Vancouver. A recent project is building a high-tech sound studio for Airbnb musicians. They share a love of travelling, sailing, flying their drones, meeting new people and networking. ‘There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't yet met.’

They would love to hear from you! They're always interested in catching up with friends, and exploring and sharing new adventures. You can find Jan and Hans at jvnflying@gmail.com.